Microservices is not more than a specialized case of SOA February 10, 2016
Over the last couple of years, there has been renewed energy in the subject of service oriented architectures. The invention of term ‘micro services’ has warranted a immense interest in the subject of service oriented architectures. Despite the initial contention on the difference between SOA and the already mature Component Based Software Engineering (CBSE), there is consensus that SOA improves the key attributes of software such as agility, cost to market, flexibility, inter-operability and many others....
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Turning ‘software’ into a ‘software service’ October 4, 2015
This article looks at how to turn an  existing software that is not service oriented into a service that can be used in a service oriented architecture. We need to know  exactly-  what  is a service?  We are assuming the resulting service will provide  identical functionality. So the  only difference between a software service and other software components is at the interfaces. The interfaces define how the service can be used individually or as part of...
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A short answer to a Bank Manager about Software as a Service and SOA September 15, 2015


Recently, I met an executive of a top bank who was trying to roll his head around the notion of software as a service and service oriented architecture. He intimated to me that these two terms are the only things he hears from software development vendors and the internal Information Technology team. I offered an explanation that went as follows. Software as a service represents a shift in the way software is developed and used. In...
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Benefits And Advantages of Webservices May 12, 2014


To begin with there has been considerable attention to web services  in the last couple of years since early 2000. For starters  web service are no more that applications that are designed to be used across the web. Web services provide a program-to-program programming model where one service invokes another using web standards including the well known HTTP and XML. Here I outline the main benefits, some technical others business. Interoperability – when faced with a...
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